We have the future Canadian Champion training with us every week. Watch out world here comes Eden! During Eden’s weekly sessions there is a game of Boccia booked in. He has definitely taken the game by storm and is defeating most of his challengers. Eden is a bit young to participate in this year’s championships in Victoria but he is sure to be at upcoming events!

Our long time client at the Victoria clinic, Susan, just returned from a magical month long trip to Kenya for her son’s wedding. Here she is meeting one of the locals!

Fred arrived at our Surrey clinic less than six months ago in a wheelchair pushed by his daughter. With a determined spirit and incredible family support, Fred started off his lokomat sessions and progressed to standing and small walks with support. Continued sessions to work on stairs and Grasp classes to focus on his upper limbs saw great progress for Fred.
“The first step in recovery is believing in yourself.” Fred has definitely shown us that is true. We are so very proud of you Fred, you are an inspiration to all!
The Power of Determination!
Manjit has been working hard in Grasp Class with Matthew and has been doing extra work at home to get stickers on our chart. As a result of her dedication taking time each day to do some of the exercises from Grasp class, Manjit was able to improve her cup pouring time from one in six minutes to six in two and a half minutes!
Way to go Manjit. You inspire all of us!
Shara G.
Shara G at our Surrey clinic wowed us all when she returned from an amazing trip to Halifax Nova Scotia where she placed 5th in the Mobility Challenge Cup! She has won all 10 of her sailing races in B.C to earn her the privilege of going to Halifax. She is a TBI client who shows that same spirit and determination every time she’s in the clinic! Shara sailed her way into our hearts with her incredibly cheery personality and positive outlook. A day without Shara is like a day without sunshine!!
Emily has a heart of a warrior. Badly injured in a car accident in London, England and was in a coma for three months. A TBI survivor, Emily has overcome so many odds and continue to impress us all with her determined spirit. Her sessions at Neuromotion are always full of laughter, talk of Taylor Swift and of course tunes from her favorite!
We are so proud of you Emily!
“I want to follow-up and let you know that Konrad… is doing extremely well at Arbutus Manor and has created an impressive exercise regime for himself at the Manor and the Arbutus Club. We cannot thank you and everyone who worked with Konrad enough for the life we have now. We believe if it was not for Neuromotion – the physiotherapy professionals and the Lokomat Konrad would not be walking today. We looked forward to every appointment! Thank you from the bottom our hearts for the amazing work you do and the joy you have brought to our family.”
Evan B.
“My name is Evan and I have been receiving treatment at Neuromotion for almost four years. I have a spinal cord injury at the C4 level in my neck and am paralyzed from the shoulders down including my hands and fingers. I came to Neuromotion to help further my independence as a person living with a disability and have received nothing but support. I have made many advancements since I started from learning how to balance sitting up on my own to now being able to transfer myself in and out of my wheelchair. I use the Lokomat machine once a week which has helped so much maintain the feeling of standing and walking. The lokomat has also helped me to use the tone in my body to move, creates a weight bearing environment which is otherwise impossible, and greatly reduces the spasms and tightness I experience throughout the day. I have worked with several passionate physiotherapists so far each bringing their own unique style and skills to the rehab process. Neuromotion also has an amazing volunteer program which has made each of my sessions optimally efficient given the difficulties of my disability. The staff are some of the best people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and I know for sure I wouldn’t be where I am today with out their skills, knowledge and amazingly positive attitudes. I am so grateful for the time I get to spend at the clinic as it is the perfect environment to heal and grow.”
I have a high-level incomplete spinal cord injury. I participated in a UBC/ICORD-led research study which looked at treadmill training on the Lokomat (robotics-assisted gait orthoses). I underwent several assessments over the course of the project, which is how I heard about Neuromotion. The physiotherapist, Amanda, who carried out the assessments was also a physiotherapist working at Neuromotion. After the project ended, I enquired about the possibility of getting training on the Lokomat and physiotherapy treatments with Neuromotion. I was glad and grateful that Amanda was able to accommodate my treatments in her busy schedule. I have been going to Neuromotion for a couple years, and have since “graduated” from the Lokomat and I am now walking on the treadmill with my own power and full body weight. I could only have done this at Neuromotion for the following reasons:
Staff – Neuromotion has a team of knowledgeable, professional and caring staff. Working with this team has been a unique experience for me. The team consists of physiotherapists, assistants, physiotherapy students on practicum and volunteers who wish to supplement their current knowledge with hands-on experience. The staff are dedicated and passionate about what they do and the environment of the clinic is supportive and encouraging. Amanda and the other therapists are true health professionals who take a holistic approach in physiotherapy treatments. They apply new techniques and ideas to challenge me to exceed my physical abilities. The rehab assistants very capable and are equally passionate and dedicated in their role of helping clients to achieve their goals. The students get excellent training but at the same time provide added energies to the physiotherapy sessions. The trust and confidence that I have in their staff is an enormous part of my rehabilitation.
Equipment – Neuromotion has the only Lokomat in Metro Vancouver that is not used for research purposes. I use the treadmill part of the Lokomat in my physiotherapy sessions. My training on the treadmill involves forward/backward/sideway walking, step length/width training, speed walking, endurance and balancing. The suspended harness also allows us to try more challenging treatments without compromising safety. With or without the engagement of the assisted leg movement component, the Lokomat is a very versatile and powerful physiotherapy tool. I am fortunate that I have access to this equipment.
Progress – With the treatment that I am getting at Neuromotion, my walking on the treadmill is much improved. The improvement translates to my walking at home. I am able to walk for up to an hour at a time (my son helps me with my balance). Progress is also being made on my walking speed and endurance. Combined with my regular exercise routine, the training on the treadmill also helps in maintaining my muscle mass, blood circulation in my legs and relieving skin pressure. The physical activities keep me in generally good health and that allows me to continue my employment as a professional engineer with local government. As a person with a spinal cord injury, I have a long and tough road to travel. Neuromotion is a critical part of my support system (including my family, friends, volunteers and other health professionals) that keeps me going in my journey.
I would consider Neuromotion one of the most professional and competent physiotherapy providers in Metro Vancouver, particularly in the specialized field of treating people with neurological health issues that affect their mobility. I would certainly have no hesitation in recommending Neuromotion to people who are searching for a physiotherapy clinic that meets their needs.