Our Story

Neuromotion Physiotherapy started off as a small clinic in Kerrisdale by the name West Boulevard Physiotherapy. It saw a mixed population of clients, anywhere from orthopaedic injuries to neurological conditions. In 2008, the therapists at West Boulevard Physiotherapy acquired a Lokomat® system and with the vision of a clinic that utilizes innovative technology and specialized knowledge, Neuromotion Physiotherapy (Vancouver) was born.

Several years later, in order to make its services accessible to those on the island, Neuromotion Physiotherapy acquired a second Lokomat® and opened its Victoria clinic. In 2016, Neuromotion expanded further by opening a third clinic in Surrey.

At Neuromotion Physiotherapy, we strive to re-train functional movement while minimizing compensatory strategies through the clinical application of neuroscientific principles. Based on client-centered goals, we provide expert hands-on treatments, education, and exercises to enable the client to achieve their goals and maximize their physical potential.

We utilize state-of-the-art equipment to complement the individualized treatment plans developed by our therapists. We are committed to continuing education and evidence-based practice in order to continue improving the function and participation of our clients. As part of our mission to provide the best rehabilitation, we are the only clinics in the Lower Mainland and Victoria that have a Lokomat® gait training system.

Our Values

COMPASSIONATE  Neuromotion strives to express authentic care for every individual. We want our clients to feel welcomed, safe, and heard.

KNOWLEDGEABLE Neuromotion brings knowledge, experience, and expertise to best serve our clients' specific needs. Neuromotion is always looking to implement into its practices recent and relevant research, expert techniques, and cutting edge technology.

HONEST Neuromotion is open and honest when communicating with clients, caregivers and loved ones. Neuromotion focuses on being dependable and following through on commitments.

DEDICATED Dedication to our clients and their goals is the name of our game.  Our determined optimism alongside our clients is ever-present. Our clients thrive when they are supported along their journey and given tools that aid their success.

COLLABORATIVE An environment of encouragement, knowledge-sharing, and collaboration builds confidence in ourselves and gains the confidence of our clients.

We Are

PROGRESSIVE We aim to be open-minded, forward-thinking, and creative in our work.

EMPATHETIC We humbly recognize that human experience is individual and yet has commonly shared factors. We take time to listen to and try to understand our clients.

INNOVATIVE Always creatively thinking to find solutions to problems. New technology is embraced and creative modes of communication are practiced.

ADVOCATING Speaking on behalf of the vulnerable or those without a voice; working hard to establish the best situation for our clients.

DEPENDABLE Integrity guides our behaviours and choices; we follow through with our word.