Carla McBeth
My path to Neuromotion began many years ago. My personal relationship with Pauline, our owner, reaches back to high school. We remained friends, but our career paths were very different. My background includes predominantly sales, sales management and customer service. My strengths lie in building strong and lasting relationships focusing on connections. Over the past 30 years, it's the connections with an array of complex, eclectic, kind and amazing people that have assisted in my professional and personal growth. Fast forward to the present where I have been so very fortunate to reconnect with Pauline in a professional capacity and head her Human Resources team. I am inspired by her compassionate heart as well as the extraordinary clients we assist on a daily basis.
Personally, I have been married for the past 30 years to a funny and incredible husband/partner. We have been fortunate to have raised two extremely talented and passionate young men. I enjoy volleyball, hiking, reading, decorating, craft beer and a good murder mystery! (not necessarily in that order!)